Disease control treatments may be necessary depending on site and weather conditions. Not included on this program. *This treatment will be done in conjunction with either your late spring or summer treatment.
Our Organic Program concentrate on your soil as well as your lawn. For a healthy, deep green lawn without the use of chemical pesticides a healthy soil is essential. FERTEX offers an Organic Based program, where we use organic based fertilizer treatments, aeration and liming as necessary after a soil test is performed. This program provides the necessary nutrients to your soil and lawn, controls soil compaction and reduce thatch build-up. Treatment for weed, insect and disease are not included in this program. Corn Gluten, Milky Spores and other natural products are available for weed and insect control/ suppression as an additional option.
If your are interested in a reduced pesticide use, we recommend our IPM program. Designed to improve & maintain the health of your lawn, with a different approach, where the use of pesticides is optimized so that applications are less frequent, pesticide use reduced and on an as needed basis only, at the end the potential for environmental damage is minimized.
IPM favors a combination of pest control and prevention techniques that results in the least amount of disruption to the environment. A unique pest management strategy is developed to fit each specific situation. Incorporating practices to suppress a pest population: cultural practices (mowing and watering), the use of resistant host varieties, physical/ mechanical methods, and pesticides on as needed basis only. It includes five (5) treatments using traditional or organic based fertilizers. Weed & insects treatments are on an as needed basis only.
A soil test is recommended to correct any pH imbalances and add the necessary nutrients.
Effective control = proper maintenance practices combined with ON TIME preventative broad spectrum fungicides. We also offer individually treatments on an as needed basis. Follow-up treatments may be necessary. Early detection is vital.
Limestone, is a natural soil amendment which helps to enhance the "living soil". Just as your lawn needs food (fertilizer), it also needs vitamins and essential minerals like calcium and magnesium which are found in limestone. As an additional benefit, by incorporating Lime into your Lawn Care Program your lawn will better utilize fertilizer treatments. Recommendation for lime are based on soil test results.
Designed to improve & maintain healthy shrubs.
Consists of three on time applications during the year to suppress the Northern Deer & the American Dog Tick population. Regular lawn mowing on deer populated areas is recommended to reduce the danger of tick infestation. In conjunction we recommend other steps in the fight against ticks. Check your pets regularly, the use of tick collars, dips or powders will help, clearing yards of tall grass and weeds, check children thoroughly after playing outdoors.
Evaluating the soil conditions is an important first step in a successful turf installation or maintenance. Any necessary nutrients to be added as necessary to have a healthy soil.
Creates small, evenly spaced holes, 3-4" deep throughout the turf area. It helps to:
To help lawn areas that are thin or bare. To establish a new turf area after prior site preparation or to renew lawn areas with a more resistant grass variety. We found better results after seeding/ overseeding in early fall, using high quality seeds for excellent results. *Please note that for any seeding to be successful, we need your full cooperation with the watering process.
Thatch is the buil up of grass clippings and other debris that accumulate in the area between the soil surface and the blades of grass. Some Thatch can be beneficial by helping retain moisture. However, build up of more tha 1/4" (6mm)of thatch can prevent water, air and nutrients from reaching the soil and roots. It can harbor pests and create conditions that promote disease.